Launch the handbag line of your dreams with the Handbag Factory List! Create a unique, custom-made line of bags, put your label on existing white label designs, or find a factory partner to transition your current production line to. Plus, get access to two bonus lists: Hardware Suppliers and Leather/Faux Leather Suppliers (including eco-friendly options!), so you can find the perfect materials for your bags. Create something extraordinary with the Handbag Factory List!
The Handbag Factory List features 75+ suppliers in the USA, Mexico, India, China, Portugal, and Italy. Use this list to make classic handbags, luxury bags, totes, clutches, crossbody bags, purses, leather handbags, nylon handbags, small leather accessories, and more.
Please note: If you are looking for different types of bag factories (i.e duffels, athletic bags, cases, backpacks, luggage etc) see our Bags, Cases & Backpacks Factory List here.
See the "What's Included" section below for the information this resource includes that will help you find a factory for your handbag line.